珊瑚礁和 AquaGen 的发电机
AquaGen 为吉利生态珊瑚礁提供动力
生化岩是一种创造人造珊瑚礁的新技术。 Gili Eco Trust 正在建造钢结构并为其施加低压直流电,从而加速珊瑚的生长,增加抵抗力应对气候变化、珊瑚白化和风暴活动增加。 AuqaGen 的 10 瓦至 100 瓦发电机(取决于水速)将为建造人造珊瑚礁提供必要的电流。
珊瑚礁园丁和 Biorock 学生恢复在风暴、锚损坏或不良旅游行为中从珊瑚礁中移出的珊瑚,并将它们小心地移植到结构上。
这样做,吉利生态信托已经设法恢复了一些美丽的珊瑚礁特拉旺安在短时间内。在 2009 年、2010 年和 2016 年的严重白化事件中,它们已被证明比天然珊瑚礁更具弹性。在珊瑚礁周围的水域中放置了 150 多个结构吉利群岛,培育了大量新珊瑚和大量鱼类。
为什么我们需要 BIOROCK?
全世界约有 10% 的珊瑚礁遭到破坏,而 75% 的珊瑚礁受到人类活动的威胁。在吉利群岛的珊瑚修复和生物岩技术的帮助下,更多的珊瑚将在这些威胁中幸存下来,维持水下生命并提供氧气并保护海滩免受海岸侵蚀。
这吉利群岛, 虽然现在可以免受炸药和氰化物捕鱼等破坏性捕鱼方法的侵害,但仍在与影响我们美丽的海洋生态系统的许多威胁作斗争。
锚点,尽管在吉利斯, 仍在岛上某些地区用于未注册的浮潜之旅和进口船。在这些地区,水下造成的破坏非常明显,受损的珊瑚礁现在变成了瓦砾,很快就被藻类淹没了。虽然 Biorock 结构不会形成完全天然的珊瑚礁,但它们可以快速减轻被破坏的珊瑚礁区域的破坏,并开始稳定以前贫瘠的松散沉积物和碎石。
我们也越来越多地在吉利斯周围的部分或所有潜水地点观察到大规模白化事件。迄今为止影响 Gilis 珊瑚的主要事件是 1998 年、2009 年、2010 年以及最近和严重的 2016 年。虽然包括 Biorock 珊瑚礁在内的所有珊瑚礁至少部分漂白,但在2016 伊尔尼诺移植到 Biorocks 上的珊瑚的白化速度比天然珊瑚礁慢,而且当海水冷却后(3 个月后)它们的恢复速度更快,总体死亡率更低。
用可再生能源为 Biorock 供电
目前(没有双关语意)Biorock 技术用于恢复珊瑚礁的主要缺点是它使用来自岛屿和主电网的直流电。这不仅由石油和石油等有限燃料提供动力,而且该岛经常停电。我们最初的解决方案是在一些 Biorock 结构上方安装浮动太阳能电池板,利用太阳全天为它们供电,让珊瑚在夜间休息、进食和自然生长。事实证明,这并不有效,导致珊瑚物种的生长速度大大降低。目前有 35 个这样的 Biorock。
最新的战略是能够利用洋流的能量!这是一种几乎无穷无尽的能量来源,每天流经海峡和珊瑚礁。 Gili Eco 与 AquaGen / DynoRotor(总部设在加拿大、英国和美国)合作,他们正在创建定制能源生成系统(专注于他们的 AquaGen 发电机)。 最后,来自可逆洋流的能量将现在直接贴在 Biorock 遗址上或附近,以从海洋中产生能量来继续电解反应。

Special Thanks goes out to our partners at Gili Eco Trust and TheJETTLAGGED.
Currently (no pun intended) the main disadvantage to Biorock technology for restoring coral reefs is that it uses DC electricity from the island and the main power grid. Not only is this powered by finite fuels such as oil and petroleum, the island gets frequent power cuts. Our initial solution to this was to install floating solar panels above some of the Biorock structures to power them throughout the day using the sun, letting the corals rest, feed and grow naturally at night. This has proven not as effective resulting in a much slower growth rate of the coral species. Presently there are 35 x Biorock's in this way.
Some of the countries and regions where Biorock installations have been implemented or planned include:
Indonesia: Indonesia has been a pioneer in using Biorock technology for coral reef restoration. There were multiple Biorock projects in various locations throughout the Indonesian archipelago.
Maldives: The Maldives, with its vulnerable coral reefs, has also utilized Biorock technology to aid in reef restoration.
Philippines: Biorock installations were in use in the Philippines to help rejuvenate damaged coral reefs.
Caribbean: Some countries in the Caribbean, such as Bonaire and the Cayman Islands, have employed Biorock technology for reef conservation.
Pacific Islands: Certain Pacific Island nations and territories, including Fiji, have implemented Biorock projects to address coral reef degradation.
Australia: There have been efforts to use Biorock technology in Australia's Great Barrier Reef, one of the most iconic coral reef systems globally.
Various Other Countries: Biorock technology has been explored and applied in other countries and regions with damaged or threatened coral reefs.
The latest strategy is to be able to harness energy from ocean currents! This is an almost infinite source of energy, flowing through the channels and coral reefs daily. Gili Eco has partnered with AquaGen (based in Canada, UK and USA) who are creating a custom energy generation system (focused around their AquaGen Generator). Finally the energy from reversible ocean currents will now be affixed directly on, or nearby to the Biorock sites to create power from the ocean to continue the electrolytic reactions.
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