1). 问题:DynoRotor 什么时候更名为 AquaGen
回答:DynoRotor 于 2023 年 1 月开始以 AquaGen.blue 的名义开展业务
2).当Will AquaGen 开始出货产品?
回答:AquaGen 和我们的制造/分销合作伙伴预计将于 2024 年开始发货
3). 问题:AquaGen 产品的标价是多少?
答: 目前未知
4).问题: 是否有机会在 2023 年之前获得 AquaGen 产品?
回答:是。 2023 年,AquaGen 产品可能会提供给已同意协助 AquaGen 执行我们的长期测试计划的特定政府和战略合作伙伴。
5). 问题 AquaGen 开始发货后我可以在哪里购买?
回答:一开始,AquaGen 将直接销售。 但是,AquanGen 目前正在建立分销和经销商网络。请将您的名字加入我们的邮件列表,我们会在可用时发送信息。 注册这里想要查询更多的信息。
6). 问题:如何成为经销商、经销商或分销商?
回答:请填写信息表在本网站上。 我们尚未与任何经销商或分销商签约。 我们正在收集名称并计划立即联系潜在合作伙伴。
7). 问题:我在我的国家有一些非常大的机会购买你们的产品,我可以获得在我的国家销售 DynoRotor 的独家权利吗?
回答:请填写信息表在这个网站上,我们会回复你。 目前我们不提供任何国家或地区的任何排他性。 我们计划签署战略想投资DynoRotor获得独家领地权的伙伴。
8). 问题:AquaGen将在哪里生产?
回答:AquaGen 的初始生产将在加拿大、美国和英国进行。 (我们的主要制造商柔性已被选中)。 打算与一家或多家跨国公司谈判独家战略合作伙伴关系,以获得更大数量的销售,并支持 AquaGen 的全球。 DynoRotor 将继续开发和许可我们的产品。
9). 问题:我如何投资 AquaGen,你是一家上市公司,你在哪个证券交易所上市?
回答:AquaGen 不是一家上市公司,我们也没有在任何证券交易所上市。 我们现在开始一轮融资以认可的投资者。 如果您有兴趣投资请告诉我们这里:
10). 问题:什么是 AquaGen 目标市场?
回答:我们 AquaGen 的初始目标市场如下:
a). 今天没有电并且永远不会连接到电网的8亿人
b). 8 亿人用上了电,但电费非常昂贵(即每天使用柴油发电机几个小时,成本约为 0.80 美元至 1.00 美元/千瓦时) .
c). 电力标记浮标的 Wave
11). 问题:AquaGen 计划在哪里进行长期测试?
回答:AquaGen 计划进行长期(3-5 年)测试加拿大水力涡轮测试中心(马尼托巴大学),靠近加拿大温尼伯。我们还将在世界各地的各个战略合作伙伴(军事)地点进行测试。
12). 问题:AquaGen 的设计使用寿命有多长?
回答:AquaGen 正在设计我们的产品以尽可能延长使用寿命。 系统中所有部件的平均故障间隔时间 (MTBF) 设计为 15 至 20 年(这不是为了说产品 20 年都不会出故障)。 AquaGen 打算为我们的所有产品提供一年有限保修。 AquaGen 还建议消费者购买服务合同或延长保修期。
13)。问题:AquaGen 会伤害鱼类和海洋生物吗?
13)。问题:AquaGen 与竞争产品相比如何?
其他技术(不是 AquaGen):仅限大规模(100kW 至兆瓦)
• 架构:主要是 Darrieus(高达 35% CoP 功率系数)或 Propeller(高达 45%)
• 市场也非常大
• MW 大小大多是现有的 Grid Connected Only
AquaGen:仅限小规模(每天 2.4 千瓦时起)
• 发展中世界焦点
• 重量轻:一人、两人或四人携带
• 水原将使用 Darrieus 和 Propeller 架构(具有正在申请专利的技术附加组件)
• AquaGen River 设计用于在非常非常低的水速下运行
• 可以位于溪流、河流和世界各地的许多沿海村庄
• 解决更大的未开发市场
• 无电网或只有微电网
• 通常不需要许可证
• 资本成本低
• 简单易行 安装
• 数小时内完成安装
• 非腐蚀性包装
• 运动部件最少
• 无环境影响
• 不干扰海洋生物
• 零噪音污染
14). 问题:AquaGen 是否与风能和太阳能竞争?
答: 答案是否定的,AquaGen 不会与风能和太阳能技术竞争。 因为风能和太阳能通常不会每天 24 小时 x 每周 7 天运行,我们认为 AquaGen 可能是更好的选择全球某些地区的解决方案。 我们认为 Aquagen 是风能和太阳能的补充,应该在可能的时间和地点成为整体解决方案的一部分。一个理想的解决方案将结合太阳能、风能和电池备份解决方案。
15). 问:AquaGen 的额定输出功率和频率是多少?
回答:一切都取决于与 DynoRotor 选择的岸上逆变器。 AquaGen 将提供 120 至 240 VAC(50 或 60Hz)的逆变器和/或可处理 12、24、 48 伏直流配置。 DynoRotor 的初始产品供应将是 500 瓦,120-240 VAC 50 或 60Hz。 AquaGen 的太阳能备用电源可与电池备用电源结合使用和风电产品。
16). 问题: AquaGen 如何与汽油或柴油发电机竞争?
答: AquaGen 的发电成本低于每千瓦时 10 美分(取决于位置)。 汽油发电机的运行成本约为每千瓦时 80 至 100 美分。
17). 问题: 500 瓦的 AquaGen 一年能生产多少?
回答这取决于水速,500 瓦的 AquaGen 每年将产生 3,723 千瓦时的电力。
17). Question: How does AquaGen Products compare to Gas Generators, Wind and Solar, Wind?
Answer: See below:

18). Question: How much can Minnow, Trout or Barracuda Power around the World?
Answer: Please see chart below.
19). Question: How does AquaGen achieve the best power density in the Industry?
Answer: AquaGen achieves the BEST POWER DENSITY in the industry by incorporating these eleven techniques:
1). Material Selection: choosing lightweight and strong materials is crucial. Composite materials like carbon fiber reinforced polymers (CFRP) or fiberglass offer a high strength-to-weight ratio. These materials are commonly used in aerospace and marine applications due to their excellent properties, AquaGen is using carbon fiber where ever we can.
2). Advanced Alloys: AquaGen uses advanced metal alloys, (titanium & aluminum which are known for their strength-to-weight ratio. Titanium, for example, is corrosion-resistant and has a high strength-to-weight ratio, making it suitable for marine environments.
3). Aerodynamics and Hydrodynamics: AquaGen designs our turbine blades for optimal aerodynamic and hydrodynamic performance. Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations help us refine the blade shape and curvature to minimize drag and maximize energy conversion efficiency.
4) Structural Optimization: AquaGen utilizes computer-aided design (CAD) software and finite element analysis (FEA) to optimize our turbine's structural integrity. This involves analyzing stresses, strains, and load distribution to ensure that the turbine can withstand operating conditions while minimizing unnecessary weight.
5). Additive Manufacturing: (3D printing) to create complex geometries that optimize strength while minimizing material usage. This technique leads to our innovative designs that are not possible with traditional manufacturing methods.
6). Hollow Structures: AquaGen designs hollow or honeycomb-like structures into all our products, which significantly reduces weight while maintaining structural integrity, distributing loads efficiently & offering a high stiffness-to-weight ratio.
7). Improved Manufacturing Techniques: AquaGen utilizes advanced manufacturing techniques, such as precision machining and robotic assembly, to ensure consistency and accuracy in turbine production. This can reduce material waste and improve overall turbine performance.
8). Corrosion Resistance: AquaGen chooses materials with good corrosion resistance, especially when dealing with water-based environments. Corrosion can weaken materials over time, leading to reduced performance and safety risks.
9). Active Monitoring and Maintenance: AquaGen plans on incorporating sensors and monitoring systems to detect signs of stress, fatigue, or wear in real-time. This allows for proactive maintenance, preventing catastrophic failures and extending the turbine's lifespan.
10). Research and Development: AquaGen invests in research and development to explore novel materials and design concepts that could further enhance the strength-to-weight ratio of our water turbines. New materials, such as advanced polymers or nano composites, may offer improved properties.
11). Scale Effects: Consider scaling up the turbine's size if feasible. Larger turbines can often achieve better efficiency due to improved scaling effects, potentially allowing for a lighter and stronger design.
Remember that achieving a balance between lightness and strength involves trade-offs. It's essential we consider factors like cost, manufacturing feasibility, and environmental impact when implementing our strategies. AquaGen collaborates with experts in materials science, mechanical engineering, and hydrodynamics help AquaGen develop the most effective water turbine solutions.
20). Question: Do AquaGen Products Kill Fish?
Answer: Simple Answer is NO.
There have been dozens of Studies at various Universities and Companies that prove Run-of-River Water turbines do NOT harm fish because Fish have a remarkable ability to sense changes in water pressure, and they use this sensory capability for a variety of purposes, including navigation, predator avoidance, prey detection, and communication. The detection of pressure changes, or pressure waves, plays a crucial role in a fish's ability to navigate its environment and interact with other fish and aquatic creatures. Here's how it works:
Predator Detection: Fish can sense pressure waves generated by the movement of larger aquatic creatures, such as predators. When a predator approaches, it may create pressure waves in the water, alerting potential prey fish to the danger. This allows prey fish to take evasive actions to avoid being captured.
Prey Detection: Some fish can detect the pressure waves created by the movement of smaller prey fish or other aquatic organisms. This helps predators locate and capture their prey.
Communication: Fish also use pressure waves for communication. They can produce and detect subtle pressure changes to convey information to other members of their species. This communication is often used for mating, territorial defense, and schooling behavior.
Navigation: Fish can sense changes in water pressure to navigate their environment, particularly when it comes to avoiding obstacles or finding their way in murky waters where visibility is limited.
In the context of hydrokinetic turbines or other underwater structures, researchers and engineers often consider the potential impact of pressure changes created by these structures on fish behavior. Minimizing sudden pressure changes and turbulence in the water around turbines can be one way to reduce the potential disruption to fish and other aquatic life.
Overall, understanding how fish detect pressure changes and using this knowledge to design underwater structures in a way that minimizes harm to fish is an ongoing area of research and engineering in aquatic conservation and renewable energy projects.